Preacher Where’s Your Bible?


My second mission which I am equally passionate about is the the ‘preachers wheres your bible’ project’ Today the bible has been taken out of the church and replaced with an IPad or a screen on the wall. remember the days when you had a preachers bible on the church lecturn remember the days when the preacher carried a bible? What about you?…This is a back to the bible project. Discover more on this exiting project Preacher Wheres your Bible


There are three places where we no longer see the Bible. The pulpit, the pew or the pocket. We used to see the Bible In Grandma’s home. But Grandma is no longer there. Neither is her Bible. Homes don’t have Bibles today. If they do, they are hidden. They’re also hidden away from the church too.

How many churches do you go to today and see a Bible in the pulpit? We don’t see people carrying their Bibles either. So the Bibles are not to be found in the church, in the home, or in the hands of people. We have Bible-less hands, Bible-less pews, and Bible-less pulpits. My podcast today is to challenge you as a believer and those who are preachers to bring the Bibles back to the pulpit and the pew and also the pocket.

I don’t want to have a Bible-less church, do you? I don’t want to preach from a Bible-less pulpit, do you? We complain that they have taken prayer out of schools, yet the Bible has been taken out of the pulpit for years. Preachers no longer preach from printed Bible. They preach from an app. An app that can be made obsolete, discontinued, or deleted. Oh, it’s the trend, they say. It’s the way things are going. It’s the modern age. Technological age, as if we are victims of our day, rather than being the leaders of the day.

Oh yes, it’s so easy for us to preach about being leaders, yet in reality, out there, outside of the four walls, we have become the victims of our day. Everyone else is leading us, rather than us leading them. Everyone else preaches against the Bible, but we never have a Bible. From which to preach from and show them the truth. When we want to show them something, we use an app. Folks don’t read from the printed Bible either. You won’t see folks reading from a printed Bible in church. Oh yes, I did say church.

We have Bible-less pulpits and Bible-less pockets. And the only place where we find the scriptures are on screen in a church where the pastor reads from it while we listen. Which means we don’t open our Bible because we don’t have to bring our Bible. And we don’t have to carry our Bible. And we don’t have to then own a Bible. Because we are encouraged to look up at the Bible. At the wall while the pastor reads from the Bible. No wonder we have a generation that doesn’t read.

We have a generation that questions everything because it doesn’t read. It questions doctrine while we even have pastors who will verbally, audibly, and publicly say we do not need doctrine anymore. And everybody says amen. All we like sheep say amen…..

And therefore, go astray. Every one of us goes our own way because we no longer are readers or have a Bible. I’m concerned about these things and so should you be concerned about them too. Because if the people who make the apps can give us the Bible, then why have the printed Bible, which has always been a bestseller? If we can have the Bible on an app, then what’s stopping those that give us the app? Delete any app and make any app obsolete.

What would we do then? Would we become like the people who gave us the Bible? Would we die for the printed page to come back to us? Would we give our life for an app? Or would we give our life so that men and women can once again read the Bible? Friends, there was a time in our history when we didn’t have the Bible, very much like it is today. People like William Tyndale, who was thrown into a rat-infested dungeon, and with a few hours of daylights, managed to translate from the Latin into the English, so that the English-speaking people of the world today could be able to read the Bible. Yes, they died a martyr’s death. He was strangled to death because he wanted to share with everybody a printed page.

Friends, for that reason alone, I wouldn’t want to insult the people of this land, the people of my land, the people which gave us the printed page. If they would only come back here today, I think they would question our faith, and rightly so. What kind of faith have we got that we don’t want to own a Bible anymore? No wonder the people in the pew do not value the book. If the pastors do not have in the pulpit a printed page called the Bible.

Because if the preacher don’t value the printed book, then neither will the people in the pew. Recently in the United States we have examples where students have been told by authorities, or rather were told by authorities, not to read their Bibles. As in a 2014 incident where a Florida school teacher humiliated a 12-year-old boy in front of an entire class after she caught him reading a Bible during his free reading time. A more recent incident involved a 22-year-old history major by the name of Mark Holden who was ordered to leave a lecture hall for reading his Bible.

I’ve stated this because if these young boys can read their Bibles publicly, Then so can the preacher preach from the Bible publicly. Ah, years ago, I remember being told, oh, don’t carry your Bible. That’s a sign of pride. Well, it’s time to look religious once again, folks. It’s time to look religious once again. It’s time to carry our Bible. You see, carrying our Bible won’t make us holy, but it may get the attention of other people. Carrying a Bible…We’ll be making a statement when perhaps we are not saying anything. Carrying a Bible is a witness. Carrying your Bible is a good thing. Carrying a Bible tells people a little about yourselves when you don’t stop and talk to them to tell them anything about yourself.

We are the people of the book. We are the people of the word. We are the people of the way and one of the things we can do this is by carrying our Bible. Friends, we need to carry our Bible.As I said, carrying a Bible won’t make us holy but it will agitate the devil and it can arouse some conversation between you and the people who see you carrying the Bible. Remember, it was an Ethiopian who was reading the Bible that was approached by an evangelist who said, What readest thou? Maybe today if you carry the Bible, somebody will approach you and ask you, Brother, what are you reading? Explain that to me. It is good to carry the Bible. I want to encourage you today to read your Bible, carry your Bible.

Preach from the Bible and put the Bible back in the pew. Put the Bible back in the pulpit. Hallelujah. In Jesus Name, it is time that we take hold of this, run with it, do it, and preach the Bible from the Bible, from the printed Bible, in the pulpit once again.

In Jesus Name, says Paul B. Thomas, exhorting you to carry your Bible and preach from the Bible. Have a great day. Why not join me in the campaign, Carry Your Bible.

Please visit me, Paul B. Thomas, on and Submit your comments or email me, Paul at You’ll also find there my links to Amazon, where I have published over 40 apostolic Pentecostal and motivational e-books.