Can a Christian have a Demon?

Ask Paul

Q. Can a Christian have a demon?
A. I say based on the bible the answer is no
Based on the fact that many call themselves Christian who are not bro of water and Spirit (Acts 238 and John 5;3-5)then the answer is yes and for this simple reason, The Holy Ghost lives dwells and resides in them, and we know that an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in the same house.
b. There is no example of a ‘Christian’ one (born of water and spirit)as having a demon or having a demon cast out o them in the book of acts or the New Testament. NB its important to understand that no one was born of water and spirit until Pentecost.
c. Judas was not born of water and spirit. Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Ghost, this does not mean they had a demon many sinful devices arise in a person. the bible never inform us to have demons cast out of us but rather we are to confess our sins and turn away form them (1 John 1-9. 2-6). If there is no example of a Christian being possessed them it is dangerous and deceitful and harmful to label such folks as demon controlled or having a demon. It is also extra biblical. we should never teach and believe things that do not have a bible foundation for a teaching, otherwise we can be seen as heretics, teaching heresy.
d. Here is a key. diseases that can be cured by medication are not demons. Cancer is not a demon! depression is not a demon, headaches is not a demon. High blood pressure is not a demon! if these sickness are demons then so is ‘ageing.’ I have not yet seen anyone delivered from getting older.
I shall continue this is a later post!

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