Believers Bible Study
By Paul B Thomas
NOTES: The primitive Israelites went to seek God at places where his power had been demonstrated. They went to ‘seek the face of God’ at the high place or the well, places that spoke of his nature and person. yet it is Gods priority and right to reveal himself to man.
He is not just presence or power but he is a person and as such can communicate to us and know us and we too communicate and know him. He can be angry and he can be loving he can be jealous and he can be ruthless and indeed its upon these basis that we find his person.
History tells us that Godly men, were called ‘men of God’ because they acted like God, talked for God and knew God, they represented God indeed they were Gods mirrors in the earth, revealing then that if man could know God through them then God must somehow be like man in nature being and works. All religions have their ‘men of God’ men like David who pursued the heart of God and Samuel who as a ‘man of God’ heard Gods voice.
It was the ‘priests of God’ that represented God and wore holy vestments that signified the purity and holiness of God, whose character derives form some personal endowment of his presence and anointing. men who possess the ‘breath of God’ and can reveal the mind of God to the people of God and here nit is that we encounter then ‘inspiration’ of their teachings that later was written down in holy writ for our admonition and learning and passed own millenniums later so we too can see what men eternally and historically have known and understood of God.
All scripture is God breathed, Hebrew ‘nabi’ to flow forth, from which we get ‘prophet’ holy men who spoke prophetically the promises and purposes of the almighty. not just one of two by man many throughout the different ages and stages of history thus confirming the similar word of Jehovah. This is in itself supernatural as what are the the chances of strangers over a period of thousands of years writing a similar thing of their God and all their letters tell the same story, if the one they talked too was not the one true God and only God?
These prophets all declared something of the humanity of God a concept which many would deny today yet their word stands strong. and its at this point in their discourse that they begin to differentiate truth from error in their writings. for true it is any man can call himself a prophet but let the true prophet uncover the true God. Jeremiah declared ‘woe to the fools and prophets who only prophesy from what they feel , without a real vision… you give the Word of Jehovah and Jehovah never sent you’ (Jer 23;23,14). Amos and Isaiah saw vision of the Lord declared I saw the Lord sitting on the throne, he called him the everlasting Father and the prince of peace, titles that reveal both him humanity and deity The Lord (Jesus) being both Father and Son, God and man. And so the adventure continues God himself being continually throughout the ages being UNCOVERED and revealed by Holy men and later scriptures which we shall look upon in our next session.
Questions to Answer: 1. In seeking God what is it you want to know about him?
Further Reading: For more information why not purchase my book on SPIRITUAL GIFTS by Paul B Thomas on amazon
Produced by Paul B Thomas
Paul B Thomas
Author Bible Belt Revivalist
Life Evangelist and Bible Teacher
Twitter: Imagebreakers
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