Intimacy with God

Believers Bible Study

Stewards of The mysteries of God

#02 Intimacy with God

By Paul B Thomas

Topic: Intimacy with God

Scripture Reading: 

Purpose: Christainity is not a religion Christainity is a walk with Christ. Christ who is the life seeks to give us an alternative life, by his holy spirit. We can like the saints of old walk with God and talk to God and live the god kind of life through following he life of Christ

Stewards of The mysteries of God

# The believers devotion
Prayer, Intimacy with Deity

By Paul B Thomas

Topic: The believers devotion
Prayer Power.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:18.


1.Of whom is God a rewarder?

A rewarder of them that diligently seek him  (Hebrews 11;6)..

2.Does God hear and answer prayer?

If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father chichis in heaven give good things to them that ask him (Matt 7:11).

3.What are the conditions of prayer?

ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you; for every one that sketch receiveth; and he that seekers finders; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened (Matt 7;7-8).

4.How should we ask?

But let him ask in faith..nothing wavering (James 1;6,7).

1.Jesus walked with God
search the scriptures for in them ye think they have eternal life; and they 

These papers are written By Paul B Thomas for the propagation of the true gospel of Jesus Christ, the understanding of the apostles doctrine and the revelation of Jesus Christ.

NOTES:  Today many are into entertainment reading, they read whats amusing and news breaking, scandalous and  world. Confession and repentance must be the consequences  of devotional reading (Charles Coulson) Our devotional reading should be long term, as we aim for total transformation over a period of time, hence it must become a discipline and not a quick fix or quick read or a momentary habit that becomes customary. Total transformation is possible with daily heart seeking devotional reading.

Questions to Consider: Whats my daily reading patterns?  We can listen to youtube preaching but reading allows you to form your own views and the Holy Ghost to illuminate and uncover truth specifically to you. Reading requires  your mind to dig deep. Hence reading is more beneficial than watching media. 

For further Study: Jer 30;2; 2 Tim 3;16; 1 Peter 2;2,3; 2 cor 1;20; John 14;20,21;

Literature: visit brother Paul on amazon for pentecostal/ apostolic ebooks

Produced by Paul B Thomas

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