Q. SHOULD I take medication or trust the Lord for my healing?
A. Faith is divine confidence in God that he is who he is and that he promises what he says he will do.
Faith in God is the highest form of faith. scriptures declares have the God kind of faith.Different folks have different levels of faith, some can believe God to heal them while others believe God yet will go to the doctors first. It’s not that they doubt God but rather trust the doctors in creatain areas of their well-being. That is not wrong, so the question is WHEN DO I TRUST GOD TOTALLY to heal me?And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us. And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to YOUR faith be it unto youMatthew 9:27-29
Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it done unto you. Aramaic Bible in Plain English Then he touched their eyes, and he said, “Just as you have believed, let it be done to you.”
Those who, by the providence of God, have lost their bodily sight, may, by the grace of God, have the eyes of their understanding fully enlightened….They followed him crying aloud. He would try their faith, and would teach us always to pray, and not to faint, though the answer does not come at once. They followed Christ, and followed him crying; but the great question is, Do ye believe? Nature may make us earnest, but it is only grace that can work faith. (Matthew Henry).
According to your faith – That is, you have “believed” that you could be healed, be healed accordingly.(Barnes Notes).
We cannot criticise others for relying on medication while we ourselves may rely on God’s spoken promises. It is as God speaks to you, so your faith becomes alive living and active in that area. If God gives his WORD then God will give the assurace of his healing. The prerogative is on God to SPEAK. The responsibility is on us to seek.Faith is an active force, and we may have faith indifferent areas of our lives and well being. some have faith to travel full-time as missionaries and believe God to supply their every need while they may be weak in believing God to heal their body, My adopted dad for example Had faith that the Lord had saved him and would keep him yet he had little revelation of divine healing, he died with lung disease through working in the coal mines for 30 years…
…Some have FAITH in one area and not another, revelation of God in one area and not another. Some believe in prosperity while others don’t, some believe in the full salvation as in Acts 238 while others don’t, some believe in deliverance while others don’t….. Our job is to pursue the full gospel so that we can live in FAITH in every area of our lives.
The point is we are all in different places with God and at different stages in our faith. I may believe God more in one area than you. but I can’t criticise you for I am not where you are and neither are you where I am…in your walk with God
If man has no answers, then know this Jesus is the answer. This is not “despising” the physician this is “elevating” Jesus above the physician because he has spoken his word to you. and as for me I wont “despise” his word. He is the healer, Jesus alone is the healer. Medication is not the healer, Jesus is the Healer! He alone as the heavenly physician, conquered sickness and provided redemption for the curse. So lets start there. yes understand the REDEMPTIVE work of Jesus… with his stripes I am healed. (Isaiah 53;5).Paul.