?. A question was asked on facebook, WHY DO PEOPLE IN THE GOSPEL HAVE SOO MANY FATHERS” Is the TERM FATHER MISUNDERSTOOD? “The family of believers I was raised up in: WE CALLED EVERYONE BROTHER SO & SO OR SISTER SO & SO”. (Calvin Sawasawa).
A. My response:
Fabulous question and greetings my friend… is this an African thing?… I believe it stems from Catholicism where they call the pope father. To me Christianity has embraced much of Catholicism and many would not see any difference.. Jesus did say “call no man Father” as we all have one Father (MT 23:9.) No man can be a spiritual father. Yes he can a mentor but God alone births and fathers us as sons. I’m not a son of any man’s ministry I’m a Son of God….
Catholic’s claim that they function in the role as fathers, they wash a new born infant at baptism and teach him or her the ways of scripture. Roman Catholics use verses such as 1. corinthians 4:14-15 and 2 Corinthians 12:14-15 as a basis for the priests to be called “fathers,” but nowhere in Scripture are the apostles called spiritual fathers.
Many have as believers embraced many catholic functions, such as, going to the priest or pastor when we want prayer. Many have embraced the catholic way of salvation Romans 10:9 and the so called roman road way to eternal life. Many have embraced the trinity and its tri-fold version of the one true deity yet few give these Catholic practices any serious examination as to their origin, source and biblical standing.
Giving honour to those who lead us is necessary and biblical but spiritual leaders who love the tittles of “reverend” and “archbishop” is pagan and Catholic and knowing the difference in what Catholic’s believe and what the original Christians believed, will separate us in both our choice of language and what we believe.